
Jay Bennett



Day 2
September 21, 2023
12:30 pm

MASB: What We're Hearing [Leadership Development/Other]

21 September
Time:  12:30 pm - 1:45 pm
Location:  Tower C

Please join MASB leadership and board development experts as they discuss the topics and issues that are presently being navigated by district governance teams. This is an opportunity to hear from those currently working in the field with district boards and superintendents about how to best handle situations around board governance, community input in board meetings, superintendent evaluation, and leadership continuity amongst many other areas of interest to both superintendents and their boards. There will also be an opportunity to address and brainstorm possible solutions to issues that are happening in your district.

Focus: Leadership Development/Other.

1. Information on what's happening out in districts with boards and superintendents;
2. Ways to address these issues;
3. Opportunity to hear from other colleagues.

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