
Dr. David Dulio

Distinguished Professor of Political Science, Oakland University


Day 2
September 21, 2023
3:45 pm

Navigating Community Involvement and Engagement on Thorny Issues [Leadership Development/Other]

21 September
Time:  3:45 pm - 5:00 pm
Location:  Tower C

How do school districts and Boards of Education respond to the needs of their community when confronted not only by the typical problems of a post-Covid era but also those added to the mix by state and local politics? A partnership between Farmington Public Schools and Oakland University has explored responses to that challenge. The Galileo Institute and the Center for Community Engagement at Oakland University developed a workshop for district teams (superintendent, central office, principals and board members) around issues concerning civility and engagement in public life, the need for more opportunities for conversation and dialogue, possible root causes of distrust and division as well as strategies to address these challenges. Farmington Public Schools has offered a series of "community dialogues" which have helped the district successfully navigate thorny issues by diverse groups of individuals with diverse viewpoints which they shared with attendees at the workshop and the OU Civility Day conference.

Focus: Small & Rural Districts /Central Office /Urban School Districts /Diversity, Equity, Inclusion/School Safety/Mental Health & Wellness /Teaching & Learning Leadership Development/Other.

1. Strategies to more successfully navigate thorny issues in your district and school community.
2. What political science and school leadership research tells us about community engagement and lessons learned from all sides of this project.
3. How local communities can show resilience and engage successfully despite diverse viewpoints and divisions that can arise in local districts.

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