
Scott Koziol


Scott Koziol is currently the Superintendent of Charlevoix-Emmet ISD. He previously served as the Assistant Superintendent of Instruction and the Director of Instructional Services where he managed the Instructional Services Team who provided Early Literacy Coaching, Professional Learning, Continuous Improvement, Education Technology, and Science services to the local districts of Char-Em ISD. He joined Char-Em in 2017 bringing more than 15 years of leadership experience.

Prior to joining Char-Em ISD, he served as Superintendent of Michigan Center Public Schools in Jackson County for seven and half years. Scott also served as an Instructional Consultant at Jackson County ISD, a District Curriculum Director for Vandercook Lake Public Schools, and a 4th and 5th grade teacher at Napoleon Community Schools.

Scott holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education, and a Masters Degree in Educational Administration from Michigan State University. He lives in Charlevoix with his wife, Brenda. He has two daughters, Megan and Madeline.

  • Company Charlevoix-Emmet ISD


Day 1
September 20, 2023
3:30 pm

Don't Get Cyber Punked: Investing in Cybersecurity to Stay One Step Ahead of Digital Disaster [Leadership Development/Other]

20 September
Time:  3:30 pm - 4:45 pm
Location:  Michigan G/H

Hear a real-life accounting of an ISD’s efforts to heavily invest in cyber security efforts. Learn how holding proactive Cyber Security Summits, embracing state-of-the-art security features, and collaborating with technology and security leaders have strengthened their defenses to ensure they are well prepared in the ongoing battle against bad actors.

Focus: Central Office/School Safety/Mental Health Issues.

1. Learn about new requirements from the cyber insurance market
2. Learn security trends and top tools schools can use to safeguard their systems
3. Learn the importance of investing in cyber security and why the best defense is a good offense.

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